Street Scene, New York, '76
The man leaned against the car, his weight heavy on the bonnet, like he had all the time in the world. The horn blared sharp and angry, slicing through the noise of the city, but he didn’t flinch. Inside the car, the driver sat stiff, his knuckles white on the wheel.
Then the driver saw the camera. He saw the man with it, standing off to the side, steady and watching. The window rolled down, squeaking like it hadn’t been used in a while.
“Did you make him do this?” the driver barked, his voice thick with that New York bite, half an accusation, half a demand. The words hung in the air, almost swallowed by the roar of a passing truck.
The photographer didn’t answer, not with words. He just stood there, still as a post, the camera ready, the lens staring. The driver huffed, the man on the bonnet stayed put, and the city kept moving, like none of it had ever happened.
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